Walter and Oisín screenie dump

from today
Warning: Cuteness may cause spontaneous implosion.
Oh, and warning for people with slow computers/connections.

Okay these two don't have Oisín in them, but I just thought they were kinda cute (especially the first one, the way Walter is standing by Isis...too bad that antler is in the way). I couldn't help but notice Walter and Isis seemed to be spending a lot of time together today. X3 And they even look similar, with those pelts being similar colors.

Okay, not Walter or Oisín. I just wanted to get a shot of Virgil looking like Walter. X3

When I logged on the first time today, Oisín still had the antlers from when I logged off the day before. :3

Aw, Sheen looks so cute with the devout pelt. Laughing out loud

Oisín is confused seeing a deer that looks like an adult but is smaller than him.
Also, I don't know this mini-deer's name, though I've seen him lots of times.

Walter nuzzling Oisín. D'aww. Laughing out loud

Walter being protective. I don't know what the deal was with that blue deer.

"That's right, you better run!" (okay, he's not running, but whatever)

Just walking together.

I dunno, I just like how Walter seems to be looking at Sheen here. :3

I already posted these in "pictures," but whatever. They're just too friggin' adorable. >w<

Sheen meets Magnet.

And falls asleep again.

Attack of the fawns! XD

Walter is surrounded. X3

This is what I saw when I logged in again later on. :3

Hmm...I wonder about having Walter adopt Oisín instead of Scape and Zerg. After all, I'm already planning on giving him the antelope pelt. X3 Don't know how Walter would feel about adopting a fawn, though. Maybe he could have joint custody or something...X3 Or be like a godfather or uncle or something...or grandpa. XD I dunno. |3
On the other hand, I don't really see Walter in-forest a whole lot.
Verdalas's picture

Walter does adopt, but on

Walter does adopt, but on the rare occasion these days. I don't spend too much time on TEF these days, no, but I always try to be a little more active when I can.

Humm. I wouldn't want to steal Oisín away from anyone so he can always be a godfather, provided Scape and Zerg approve.

Yeah, it probably wouldn't

Yeah, it probably wouldn't really work too well, anyway. It was really just a random thought since they seemed to be getting on so well. ^^; And Oisín has already met Scape a couple of times and knows him better. He still has yet to meet Zerg, though...

But I do like the idea of having Walter as like a godfather or some similar kind of role.

deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín
Snowrift's picture

D'aaaw c: ~~~

D'aaaw c:
