
Zergarikiaka's picture
Muaha yes, I'm putting a movie in the pictures section.

If you've interacted with Zerg or Mar Sart in the last few days, you're probably in this!
I must admit the two seem out of character, but it was for filming purposes.
1273's picture

love it!its very

love it!its very nice!

click this eggie pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz! ^^
Kaoori's picture

hee, I saw me!

hee, I saw me! XD
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.

Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres

hehe i just also left a

hehe i just also left a comment via youtube..oopss.
I was saying though that ...video's like this make me see what the endless forest COULD be like if it would run faster then 5 FPS. I need to figure out how to make it run better...

but yes, i enjoyed this very very lovely... i loved all the jumping around and running...so cute. ///

Kuriositty's picture

Ehe...I think I see my

Ehe...I think I see my Kurios. ^^; But then, one fawn looks like pretty much every other fawn. But one of the dance parties and the poolside bash looks familiar! I think Kurios was also the red fawn running across the screen later in the vid...

What a fun, active video! Thanks for sharing it! Also, I envy your framerate. o.o Ferociously.

Kurios Pictogram
Haru's picture


I SPOTTED MY DEER, CLOUD! =D he's the gray one with the magpie mask and antlers in about 1:10 (and other places) The one day he's hyped up and social and he appears in a music video XD I feel so happy now Laughing out loud