varhmiel; the moonlit sailor

Moontwist's picture


— in-game: origamiowl —

alias miel
gender cis male
age undying
species peryton
blood angelic

♈ sun | ♍ ascendant | ♊ moon
lunar | ♉ midheaven | scorn
transcendental | gray ace

inky koi pelt; zombie mask; beluga antlers

I / II / III / IV / V

They had travelled from a distant land, drawn by reveries of a forest they had never seen and the promise of disclosure. It was the eight week after the winter solstice and everything was buried under a shroud of white snow. And underneath the pitiless moonlight, pierced by the cruel breath of the keen north wind, Varhmiel came into the world as his mother breathed her last.


header art by witcher
css by shey
jquery by alisonrobin

wow, more reposting track FOR

wow, more reposting
track FOR THE THIRD time x(
Moontwist's picture




Moontwist's picture

(No subject)





Moontwist's picture

aayyy @FishBiscuit

aayyy @FishBiscuit
Moontwist's picture

y'ello @Basen

y'ello @Basen
ShrinkingRose's picture

Oooo, hi, welcome to the

Oooo, hi, welcome to the party!
Wyldflower's picture

Oh my, so gorgeous! ;o;

Oh my, so gorgeous! ;o;

By Draak ♥
sora1996's picture

Will be happy to track this

Will be happy to track this Idea
crescent head!
whiskeybeast's picture

i was here before... or not.

i was here before... or not. :thinking:

^ he deletes and remakes this

^ he deletes and remakes this biography 5 times a week >.>
Jessickalor's picture

! o: tracking this gorgeous

! o:
tracking this gorgeous feathered boy
By Draak <3

Moontwist's picture

ShrinkingRose | Hello

ShrinkingRose | Hello there!
WildflowerDeer | I greatly appreciate your kind words!
sora1996 | ♥!
whiskeybeast | you may never know
Witcher | truer words have never been spoken
Jessickalor | ♥!

Osmotious's picture

What a beautiful character!

What a beautiful character!
add me on discord: Krisaur#9391
Moontwist's picture

Osmotious | Thank you, much

Osmotious | Thank you, much appreciated!