*slight gore warning*
Uyi's Bird
He had mastered the art of being still. Even at such a young age his instincts told him to loosen his muscles, slow his breathing, and wait. He was waiting for a bird, any bird. Uyi's fixation on feathers had turned into a desire to catch them, and he couldn't convince himself to do anything else.
He had not mastered actually catching the birds, and it took him many tries. He would climb onto a stump then crouch and wait until a bird was close. When he felt it was his time to strike he would hurl himself off the tree and snap his tiny jaws at the bird, hopefully landing on it and biting onto a wing or torso. If he was unlucky he'd get a bunch of tail feathers in his mouth and nothing more.
He had caught two birds so far, both killed and given as gifts. He was going for his third. A small navy blue bird landed on the ground a few feet away. Birds were idiots, to think a deer posed no threat to them. It saw him and hopped around as if he was not there. Uyi's body tensed very slowly, each muscle taking the time to fully complete the process individually. His eyes focused on the torso, he wanted to catch it for sure, and getting a wing could mean losing his prize.
When the time was right it was as if an alarm sounded in his head, he leapt off the stump, positioning himself above the bird and preventing it from escaping as quickly as it could have, When it took off he was even with it and he reached out and snapped his maw shut, his canines sinking into the birds body.
Success. He had it in his mouth, wings sticking out either side. He made his way toward the pond, not the large one, the small spring pond in the birch forest. The water here was cleaner, and he got angry glares from other deer when he brought his prize to the big pond. He liked the privacy the small pond offered too. He waited until he was at the pond to finally kill the struggling bird. He shook his head vigorously to break it's neck, then with a carefully placed bite tore it's throat out.
He submerged the bleeding bird into the waters. Another reason he liked this place better was the water had a sort of mystical quality to it, even though the bird was bleeding into the water the blood seemed to disappear and the water remained clean and pure. When the bird had stopped bleeding he took it out of the water and returned to his tree near the crying idol. He placed the bird on it's belly and opened it's wings to full span. Then carefully placing a hoof on it's back he gripped one wing in his mouth, inhaled, and ripped it off. He repeated with the other wing and placed the outstretched limbs in his hole. He would give them as gifts later.
He removed the head in a similar fashion, this time chewing through the tendons and spinal cord keeping it on. When the head was safely tucked away he began removing the feathers, taking mouthfuls at a time and spitting them into a pile. He would find use for those as well. Then he ate, gorging himself on the bird meat and leaning to tear up and devour clumps of clovers and grasses as well. A beetle wandered by and he snatched it up, over powered by the hunger that had taken control.
When the carcass was picked clean to nothing but a skeleton he tucked the bones away too, not wanting to waste any of his prize. He was sure someone somewhere would have use for the bits and pieces.
Satisfied and full, he tucked the long grasses around his tree over the hole at it's base and hid the hole further by laying his body over it. He curled his small frame up into a ball and settled down for a rest, content to watch the deer in the distance frolic and play, perhaps later he would join them.
Uyi's bio
If you'd like to use this as a RP prompt I'd be more than happy to comply~ Feel free to post you or your deer's response here!
The art is wonderful, but I'm