Unfortunately/Fortunately [Word Game]
August 6, 2010 - 10:25pm — Alecsander
I figure this will keep anyone browsing the site entertained.
We're going to tell a story one post at a time.
The format, however, is going to be:
Start of story
[continuation unfortunately]
[continuation Fortunately]
[continuation unfortunately]
[continuation Fortunately]
Billy was walking the forest...
next comment: Unfortunately, he was attacked by a snake
Following comment: Fortunately, it was a rubber snake
next comment: Unfortunately, it was covered in REAL SNAKES!
Next comment: Fortunately, he was able to run away...
so on so forth.
Feel free to throw in cameos of characters/landmarks/places in forest etc. This is TEF after all.
Starting sentence:
It was the fawn's first day in the forest...
Fortunately, neither could
lol screw
Unfortunately Chuck's testament got faked and all what he possessed went to his wife, the Wicked Witch of the West of Oz (everything- even the fawn. he took inheritances well serious)
ah, ninja xD x2 more
more epicness below
Fortunately, the fawn wasn't
Unfortunately you might have
Fortunately, the Witch's
aw ninja! Unfortunately the
Unfortunately the monkeys lost their ability to fly
Fortunately, they would still
lolz right i got ninja'd
Hun, please don't bring
Edit: You can go ahead and do the Unfortunately, if you like.
Unfortunately i forgot what I
Fortunately, it's ok that you
Fortunately the monkeys no longer had to protect the fawn, because teh wizards came through on their owed favor, to now protect the fawn from the Witch.
Unfortunately they only
Fortunately, the fawn stole
Unfortunately the wizards had
Fortunately, they couldn't
Unfortunately, he stepped on
Fortunately, they were drunk
Unfortunately, they fell
Fortunately, he was still
Unfortunately he was so drunk
(hint: fortunately hes a BALLON )
Unfortunately he's now a
(you know... zombies have parts missing and wounds everywhere... so im afraid he had holes on the plastic cover)
Fortunately he rememberer how
Unfortunately I doubt that
Fortunately, he did inhale
Unfortunately he started
Fortunately, a flying carpet
Unfortunately London was in
Fortunately, there had been a
Unfortunately the Twin Gods
Fortunately they are only
Unfortunately they are so
Fortunately, the zombie fawn
Unfortunately they took him
Fortunately, the wizards and
Unfortunately they turned
Fortunately, since the fawn
Unfortunatelly the wizards
Fortunately, the fawn had
Hmm can we switch the next
Unfortunately the wizards summoned their most powerful weapon; the MICROSCOPIC BUNNY!, so mini that could sneak behind the balloon fawn and rip his plastic cover, so the air would come out and he'd die.
Poor fawn, he's dead : < I
You begin if you're still here, then I'll be the bad guy this time xD
...and to everyone else, don't be afraid to throw in comments, this is not only for me and EternalWanderer, everyone is welcome to contribute^^
Yes sir! There was once a
There was once a mini-rabbit who kept being ran over by all the deers in the forest.
Unfortunately, one day a deer
Fortunately, the rabbit
Unfortunately, the deers best
Fortunately, the little evil
Unfortunately they got loose
Fortunately the rabbit digged
(Mm physics returned)
(How do mute masks get loose?)
(I have no idea
Unfortunately Alice came by...with a turnip