||Twinnie|| a bio revised

Skyker's picture

--Facts & Figures-->

Name: Twinnie (twin-ee)
Gender: female
Age: new adult

Physique: toned, lean muscles, strong ankles
Set: x green dragony pelt, whippy-looking antlers, long mask (someone want to tell me what the 'official' names for these are please)

Pictogram: a rain drop that falls on its side

--Likes & Dislikes-->

-Jumping over logs, the river and rocks
-Mushroom circles
-Attempting to 'fly'
-Peaceful strolls with other deer
-The Twin God statue
-Pagan idols
-The rain

-Floating deer
-Being alone in the fog
-Grave stones
-The cage at the ruin
-Running into trees
-Deer who won't join in her dancing

--Forest Life-->

Twinnie is a vivacious young deer brimming with energy and life. Her joys and sorrows revolve around life in the forest and those who inhabit it. While as a fawn she would approach new faces with a tough front to show she was a force to be reckoned, she soon learned that as an adult, this isn't received very well. Now she greets others by raising her hooves and nodding. Though, fearing a fight, she often is quick to bow afterward. As Twinnie loves dancing, she will often try to initiate a short little dance, her way of saying that she thinks you're a-okay and will be happy to spend time in your company. If she really liked your deer, she may rub up against him or her. Twinnie can rarely resist the urge to join in dancing, though she doesn't seem as zealous about it as she was as a fawn.

Twinnie spends most of her time chasing after interesting pictograms, or hunting after a familiar face/picto. She adores meeting people she remembers, though forgive her if she doesn't remember you if you only spent a short time with her.

Though Twinnie loves to cast spells, she always feels a little bad if she hits an adult deer with a spell, fearing for their 'set'. However, if reassured, she will laugh and dance a bit, her mood isn't kept down for long!

In the end, she loves meeting new deer and would love to be approached in the forest, so feel free to picto-hunt her.

--Friends & Family-->

Family: none (if you want to join Twinnie's adopted family and Twinnie's spent time with your deer in the forest, let me know ;D)

Friends: Nevi

Potential Friends: Light the Sky, Spyyre, This Fawn (IDENTIFY YOURSELF), Iaurdagnire, Riptail

--Current Stats-->

Current location: Near the pond
Favorite spot: The long grasses in the Birch Forest
Favorite activity: Trying to befriend shy deer (Corvus :3)
Current thoughts: I wonder if that shy deer will be around today, or maybe Riptail...
Aspiration: successfully approach that shy deer, start a dance line in honor of this Wudiin character

Dreaming about: the shy one

Interested in: This whole Wudiin business.
Haru's picture

I believe the official names

I believe the official names for your set would be the Kirin pelt, the long mask and the butterfly antlers =)

Skyker's picture

thanks much Hatchin' dragons

thanks much

Hatchin' dragons yeah!
Haru's picture

No problem

No problem ^^
