Transparent deers ?

kiba-chan27's picture

I was just wondering why those deers are transparent ... o.O I thought maybe they were guests or something and didn't have an account, but since that second deer has a name and a pelt, mask and antlers ... I'm not sure anymore o.O
Draak's picture

The naked transparent deer

The naked transparent deer come from someone using a real old version of TEF.

The one with the set I'm not sure because I didn't think sets could be used/seen when using that version? Could be wrong though.

TEF 2.0 26/04/2006 (50.73MB)

In this phase...

Sound quality improves greatly
You now have all the emotion animations we have now except the cowering animation
You can now pray at the statues
You can now wear sets, but only the older ones (you cannot see Halloween sets or Mardi Gras sets)
Still no fawns
Others (using phase 3 and up) see you as a transparent deer
You can cast flowers on any deer, even if they have an antler spell
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

I saw one a longgg time ago.

I saw one a longgg time ago. They disappeared completely in the birch. it was kinda cool actually.
Draak's picture

Another thing that's sort of

Another thing that's sort of related is anyone using an ultra old version of TEF (ver 1) appear as an old grey stag with broken antlers.

Quamar's grey hairs are showing

If anyone wants links to the old old versions they can be found here: Click
kiba-chan27's picture

ooooh I see thanks for the

ooooh I see
thanks for the info :3
Shyn was thinking they were ghosts xD

But damn those broken antlers look so cool
Vitticeps's picture

This is pretty cool o.o

This is pretty cool o.o