TONNES of Screenshots from the last week or so - Liëka and Irish Elk

Lyeekha's picture
Me tagging along behind Michaël

Liëka meets the Night God

(Look, he's all ghosty)

Night God looking handsome

In the strange world where Liëka, Queen of Darkness, lives now... there are no pine cones..... only chocolate.... *mysterious face*

Tabithaaa?! You look... different!

We didn't do ANYthing. >> <<

Oi! Get off me Tabii or I'll drop you on your head!

...I warned you!

Hi Her. :3

Muahahahaa! Feels so... powerful! XD

Liëka looks so itty-bitty!

Big people! O.O

I hides unner heyah.

Itty Bitty Zombeh Commitee

Playing with Zazvat
(all these deer are the same size lul. Epic screenie)


Halloween outfit

Minizombie 0WNED

(LOOK AT THE BATS epic battage there)


Whhheeee clones


A Halloween Scene

Irish Elk meets BZD
Scared, but still takes a stand. It's his territory, see.
....don't worry, he ran away shorty afterwards! XD He's *half* the -size- lul.

Later on, a bat caught his attention....

This was followed by a huge chase through the Forest, Elk chasing Bat.
...that I have no screenies of.

Later on again, the same bat was following him in deer-form.
O.O Creepy Batstalkerquamar

Which was followed by another epic chase of Bat after Elk

Noekie's picture

OMG big deers O.o

OMG big deers O.o
Anzel's picture

<3 your screenies I love the

<3 your screenies

I love the Zombie antlers ;-;

Oh, and...I think I wanna try and get a Nurra Zombie >: D (she's a perma mini deer, lol) So cute. Does the pelt stay on long, or does it wear off?

I have a thought for an awesome, but hard to get, pic...

- Big Zombie Deer
- Zombie Deer
- Mini Zombie Deer
- Zombie Fawn (maybe?)
- Mini Zombie Fawn
Her's picture


lolomg I FEEL THE POWER picture is love. |D