August 20, 2008 - 5:48pm — Anzel
Cannot we play our roles here
Have stags and does we hold dear
Cannot we play as but deer
Without the harshened words
It is a game, nothing more
To relieve stress, or bring more
It is what we play it for
So let us choose to play
*grins* ^^;
Really, I quite enjoy the mate and doe drama in the game, I helps for it to mimic real life. Everyone protesting it is causing the drama they seem to suggest wanting to prevent o.o;
Must Vein sit on your head to get you to listen? Mwahaha.
I dunno, I just saw a few topics, didn't read EVERYTHING, but so what? I just wanted to cast an opinion. *yawns*
Besides. Anzel misses her own "mate drama" ;P Hehe.
..I AGREES <3 XD Nice poem,
-- Dannii <3
^^; Gracias
=P Welcome <33 ANZELHAIII
ANZELHAIII *nuzzles Anzel* ^^ *looks at Nurra* =D Hello!
*looks at Taint* ....*wants to make her smile*....*thinks*..
...*looks at Vein and cowers* ;_; -- Dannii <3
You don't have enough "mate
Me: *whacks Isa upside the head* Eh DumbButt! Do you want to have her glitch to get attention?!
Me: I find teh mate drama to be funneh as all get-out but I'm pretty sure that Isa doesn't need anymore mate drama *rolls eyes at Isa*
Why do we need to mimic that
*pokes Ephra's post* Agreed.
I agree with the poem.
*Halogen is slowww* xD