I've been planning on making a new deer for a while already, and here she's now! Stags and Does, may I present you,
Jun Tic-Tac-Toe! (Though I didn't take a good picture of her alone. 'xD Better take one some other day.) Thank you guys, especially you brown stag, for making Tic-tac-toe's fist day in the forest memorable. <3
Edit: Changed her name.
Jun's the one with the picto
There's Fahnette with the peacock feathers on.
To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...
I have a character named Jun
I'll take the appropriate action.
Yes! : D Haha, it's great
~ Azugi
uh oh. ': D I'm sorry, I
~ Azugi