Just thank you so so so much
I lost everything i had on my laptop, From when it needed repairs
But you helped me get one of my sets back so thank yooooou <3 <3 <3
Oh and im really sorry it took so long and for when i kept freezing :\
"P" is always willing to help someone get there clothes back.
He knows losing a set can be heartbreaking. hehee.
--- its alright, it kept freezing on my side as well.
aaaaaaanndd.....you are very welcome!! <3!
Aww well thats very kind of him ^^
Yes it can be rather heartbreaking mainly when it takes you forever to find the right set X3
Ah ok then mine tends to freeze in really akward moments >.<
Yes proberly will se you again in the forest
Once again thanks :]
awwww you ^__^ "P" is always
"P" is always willing to help someone get there clothes back.
He knows losing a set can be heartbreaking. hehee.
--- its alright, it kept freezing on my side as well.
aaaaaaanndd.....you are very welcome!! <3!
Maybe see you again? =D
:3 Aww well thats very kind
Aww well thats very kind of him ^^
Yes it can be rather heartbreaking mainly when it takes you forever to find the right set X3
Ah ok then mine tends to freeze in really akward moments >.<
Yes proberly will se you again in the forest
Once again thanks :]