

Name: Fequala Feh-queh-la though calls herself Embla meaning uncertain

Gender: Doe/Female

Age: Fully grown

Species: Some sort of alien deer, calls her species the Tectutea

Scent: An ash tree & faintly of smoke

Size: 13

Voice: Higher pitched, breathy & slow

Orientation: Unknown since babies were
made in test tubes in her world :X


The Tectutea are a strange race. When they find a new planet
filled with life they make a new city representing that planet
on their own world. They genetically make their own to represent
each culture of that planet and their ways. Their title, The preservers,
for they literally document each life. Then they found Earth
and went with the standard procedure, building a city representing
Earth and making their own represent each culture ever existed.
Fequala was born with one role, to represent the Old Norse culture.
Growing up, her teachings were filled with only one thing,
learning about the Norse. Finally full grown and taking the
name Embla, she took over the previous Tectutea who
represented the Norse. Yet lately Embla has had troubling
dreams. When she sleeps she arrives in the endless forest,
and when she sleeps in the forest she wakes in her own world.

~Limbs are made of ash tree branches and are moveable. The ones under her jaw jurn inward on each other and click together to make different sounds, her species language. Her antlers are also ash tree and it is said in the future she will have 4 mates who will each eat from her antlers.