Friendly - Gallant - Independent - Loyal - Modest - Sociable - Authoritative - Moralistic - Skeptical - Stubborn - Clumsy - Dull - Devious - Destructive - Envious - Erratic - Melancholic - Nihilistic - Possessive - Provocative - Selfish
- Being near her partner.
- Having always some company.
- Hollow trees in which she can hide.
- Food, eating is what makes her live.
- Sleeping
- Loud noises
- Foggy weather
- Any hostile creatures
- Rain, because it ruins hair!
- Water, being wet sucks...
♦ Steals from people sometimes just for the thrill of it.. nothing big or malicious just like.. swiping their napkin from them at the table or taking a peny out of their purse lol
♦ Hates lighting and brightness, like they just love to.. sit at home in complete darkness with all the lights off, always complaining about everyting being too bright.
♦ Almost supernaturally clumsy, like.. there's no way anyone could be this clumsy unless they were magically cursed as a baby or something
♦ Sleepy constantly all the time.. hasn't felt awake in years
♦ Eats pretty much anything like... just walking through the woods they'd pick up and start munching on random leaves, flowers, tree bark, trash, rocks lol.. just an.. adventurous eater I guess
♦ Always zones out mid conversation to think about the conversation they're having lol.. like.. while someone is talking to them they just stop listening like "hmm.. what if I just.. screamed right now.. what would they do?"
♦ Isn't even sick but just like.. randomly always coughing all the time for some reason
♦ Never understands a reference, constantly confused by jokes or things people are saying, really kind of passes through life zoned out and barely ever aware of what's going on, always looks either confused or surprised
♦ Deeply wants to feel taken care of and valued, to the point that they may intentionally put themselves in dangerous situations just to see if they'll be saved, or cause some sort of harm to themselves so that they can have the experience of people around them caring for them, sometimes pretends to be sick or hurt then they're not, etc. They see that this can cause issues in their life and are trying to get rid of these impulses, but they still can't seem to shake the feelings that drive it.