

Signed on as Seshamsut and helped you get your set back-- said I'd brb-- I accidently uninstalled TEF when I logged out. XD So I'm waiting for a bit for my mom to use "System Restore" on my computer when she gets back. What an idiot. XDDD

Sorry EEEPP.
And are you not able to keep your sets anymore is that it?

lol I was wondering why you

lol I was wondering why you never logged back in! XD
I hope you can get everything back D:
And yeah, my newer computer doesn't allow me to use spell-data to get sets back...but now I'll be keeping Queze as an active deer for a while. Thanks for helping get the set!

It took me all morning to

It took me all morning to stop being ignored by random deer, it was really depressing-- so I could get a set for a new persona of hers. XDD
So I was all like "QUEZE! SET TIEM!"
That's sad about your computer. >.

aww, I know the feeling,

aww, I know the feeling, nobody seems to remember Hook anymore (that's who I was playing, hence why Queze had no set)

lol I'm amazed by how quickly we got all the pieces of his set, the kirin pelt usually takes FOREVER! Laughing out loud