{Tending to his wounds.

Carry's picture
What seemed like a normal day for the large white male, Radish walked past something that caught his eye. Was that a fawn? Stopping everything that he was doing, slowly approaching the little figure that hid behind a tree. Yes, it was a fawn. "Hello? Are you lost little one?" Noticing how they flinched away; so he stopped were he stood. Just then, he caught the sight of burn wounds. They were hurt, and scared. What else could this larger deer could do but help? Returning back to his tree and garden, the white stag whipped up something and brought it back.

The fawn wasn't there. "Little one . . . little one." His voice slow and soft, hoping he didn't scare the hurt fawn away. Radish's ears perked at a sound. Turning around, there stood the little one. A warm smile covered his face as he set the smashed herbs down. "Why, hello there little one." And what seemed little a good amount of time; soon Radish was able to get close to the white faced fawn. Herbs applied and hopefully helped; he didn't want to see someone so small and young in pain. "Don't worry, your safe now." Watching over them as they slept.

- - -

Just wanted to do something like this. ^-^
Crier is so adorable.

Salka's picture

Awwh, Carry this is such a

Awwh, Carry this is such a sweet and wonderful surprise! ;u; Radish is the biggest sweetheart; Crier adores him and his gentleness. I'm so happy that their interactions have inspired you: your art is very lovely and soft, as well as your writing. Thank you so much again, dear! Crier will definitely be seeing Radish again soon! c: ♥

Carry's picture

I'm so glad you like it. ^-^

I'm so glad you like it. ^-^
Salka's picture

I absolutely love it~ ;u; I

I absolutely love it~ ;u; I am definitely going to draw Radish sometime! ♥

Carry's picture

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