JULY 16TH, 2011
WELL HELLO THERE... HA HA HA HA HA... omg. I'm coming back guys. ♥
Leaving my deer down there un-updated for now though, I gotta get ready for work and I think I need to replace one of my characters anyhow. BUT WHEN I GET BACK FROM MY SHIFT MAN I THINK I'LL JUST WHORE MYSELF ALL OVER THIS PLACE IN CAPS because I'm done missing it and Munkel and I are going to pimp the TEF partnership I had back up. /hugs everywhere! everywhere!
OCTOBER 28TH, 2010
Hum, haven't updated this in a while, so I figured I would out of boredum. Can't change the video here at school though. D<
So I got confirmed last week and the bishop mentioned that we should all agree on the fact that Iowa's law allowing gays to marry isn't right. I mentally flipped shit. If that's what it means to be a Christian, I am not one. .-. I am ALL FOR letting people in love have holy matrimony, Adam and Eve or not. (Even then, I've never really liked Eve; she's the one that 'created' the pain of childbirth as punishment for eating the fruit. If they existed. Thanks to her, I have no desire at all to and have a fear of being pregnant.)
Anyway LOL on a much brighter subject, I'm sick 8DD ...Which isn't brighter at all. I've had a bad throat all week and just yesterday I had a quick episode where I felt like throwing up while trembling and having odd cramps. ;; idk... but it needs to go away. It's been with me too long and it's just plain annoying now. I sound stupid when I talk.
SO ... I MIGHT BE FREE THIS WEEKEND... WHICH MEANS TEF? Me, actually in the game--AHAHAHA yeahwe'llsee :| ♥
I'd rather get around to drawing all my characters individually so I can actually start making their bios, though... HMMM.
Sometimes I think I'm the
Forest FAQ
...I'm.. still confused. xD
:c Aunnn...Bye bye, I love
Her, you're making me feel
I miss talking to you. D= (I know it wasn't on MSN, but we did talk through this site a bit.)
(I'm wondering where Sarie is too by the way. *starts forming the search party*)
Truthfully, I don't think I'd
Well, no.. but I don't cry
I've never cried at a
Besides, everyone mourns differently. You don't have to cry; it's just what many people do to mourn.
:c -no idea what to say-
"To have to live off of that
and Pancake day D': ohcrap I wish people would stop with this suicidal stuff. fkaslkal :c
i feel your pain mideer, my
Pretty cool test. xD c8
*gets mesmerized by the
GODDDD I hate it when people
@dannii: well you know what.
Oh no worries, I know. But I
Then you love the feeling of
well thats you, thats not
edit: plus maybe, you should see it through a lot of people's eyes. when the watch theirnearest and dearest so happy, and feel so ostracised....
but i won't continue this anymore.
Do what you want.
I'm just neutral when it
Valentine's Day doesn't have
It's your birthday? D8
Happy birthday luv! -showers with love- Sounds like your mom went all out, awesome!
Happy birthday, lovey dovey.
Wahhh I wish I was 16. ;_;
*leaves not-lie cake*
i know you don't know me well
i think i still needed to
I love how Evan is
YEAAAH TAKE THAT and Plushenko is like FML and also sorry brb exploding from cute. GUESS WHO I WAS REMINDED OF FOR SOME ODD REASON mainly because of the glasses
yes retrack. because this is
Herrrrrrrr I will say hi
It's okay I suck at it too.
Forest FAQ
;; I love reading your
I have been reminded of
LOL YOU TOO?! I saw that this
*flails* I wish I could show
OHPLZ have you not seen Lamb
Well, ok. But I warned
This is the click-through slides version on deviantART since they're ehh about copyrighted music. But the links to the flash on Newgrounds and the video on YouTube are in the artist's comments.
The song gets stuck in my head easily. XD;
....AHA AH ....AHH *NO
8D; Is that a good reaction?
*watches it again*
Pega that was effing
I died the first time I
There was no Abio. Too many
IF I ever get a date with an
This made my life.
Thank you. :3
I know it was canceled xD I
I LOVE ICELAND TOO so I also love your icon arjwkalr *petsit*
-Flailhug-8D Why thankyaw.
Why thankyaw.
:c...? -worry-
*hopes it's not something