Tell me {Mithraz} Who I am

Chizzu's picture

18.12. 2016

Spending time with Dazenth ( to be redone)

10. 10. 2016

Followed a Snake around because hungry but to scared to try to eat it, its looking odd okey. Stopped at a sleeping Doe and investigated as it seemed the snake was attracted to her. Pretty much awkward sniffes before the Doe got up and send Mitty running. Was greeted friendly and asked for food because hungry and snake got away now. Was fed first with Eggs and then some fishes. Much Happy and followed Sèverine around and settled down with her. 'Talked' with her and got a Femur to chew on, even when she scared him with it for a moment. Was content to be with her and finally fell asleep.

05. 10. 2016

Was alone and grew bored so walked around and met new faces, Comen and Kaala. Both are not so excited as Iam to meet them. Kaala left and I hang around Comen, but he got company soon and I got bored again. Walked down to the Pond and napped there for a bit before I woke up to Kamiko being close to me. Happy squeaks and settled next to him, feeling content for now.

Left the other one much later to walk around. Found Kaala again and joined him to sit, noticed Dardan behind but didnt really care as he slept. I was until later that Dardan got up and was joined by a Smaller Doe. Instantly wanted to play with the other Smol (Pippit) but was greeted with Aggression from Dardan. Was Persistent and got to play real short with the Doe until Momma arrived and everything got troublesome and awkward. Went between Kaala and Mom and stared at Dardan and Pippit. Then Brother Brent came, much affection and happy squeaks until a Fight broke out between the Former and Dardan. Wanted to help but was scared as hell and hid behind Hydra. More came to fight and was pretty much 'WTF' at that moment until even Hydra joined the fight against Dardan. Worried as hell and paced from Tree to Tree, tried to get to Brent as he was out of Fight but was but aside. Pretty much Question and sad and watched as the Fight finally stopped. Much Unhappy because Momma and Brother are hurt. Switched between both before letting Hydra rest and join Brent.

04. 10. 2016

Woke and instantly seeked out Hydra. Gave mommy some hugs and licks before going down to the Pond to drink. Met there Brent, played around with him for a while until Bjioux came by. More play with them and being a very happy lil Dragonling. Dazenth came which joined soon the Play. Followed Brent around as Hydra seemed good with him. Met new Faces and was sometimes scared from ongoing fights. The Rut is definitly not a place for a little dragon. Got fed by Brent and settled down with him before going home for the night.

◊ Basics ◊

NAME Mithraz

Nicknames Mitty

Title "The Firefly Prince"

Gender Male

Age ~ 5 Months | Kid

Orientation ....

Birthday 15.05.2016 reborn | Taurus

Reference O

Size #16

Scent ...

Diet prefered Carnivore But can Eat everything

Noh Pelt l Ram Antlers l Skull Mask

◊ Worlds ◊

The Endless Forest New Home, discovered in his previous live as he needed to flee.

Sey-laron-meh Old Home World. Scared of. Avoided. Rarely speaks about.
Currently doesnt know of.


Comen's picture

Tracking! P.S. My skype


P.S. My skype froze I am not ignoring you, I just do not feel like restarting my computer Sad
Focused's picture

bb! ♥

bb! ♥
depstop's picture

Smol one (8

Smol one (8
Chizzu's picture

&#9829 &#9829 &#9829 &#9829

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Mozdog's picture

I love the new CSS its so

I love the new CSS its so pretty!

track for the dragon child

track for the dragon child
Chizzu's picture

Aii thanks &#9829

Aii thanks ♥