May 27, 2009 - 6:02pm — Topaz100
Tazia, a young fawn has many a friends but her best and trustworthy friends are Yori and Pebble, she loves the pond and spends most of her time there and loves it when Yori and her go running (Pebble doesn't run because she is patient and relaxed and walks everywhere, i repeat EVERYWHERE!!!) She always beems up when one of them comes online and always waits to meet and uncover some other true friends to play with. She loves trying on new pelts, antlers, ect... and waits for the perfect outfit. ROFL!!! She is quite shy but with people she knows can go CRAZY so beware!!! Txx
Where: under a tree near the pond
Feeling: relaxed, hppy and content
Can't wait for: Someone to meet or a best friend to come online, become a deer so can try on loads of clothes and hang with Yori and Pebble even more.
Wearing: Nothing except fur of course!!!
Doing: sleeping, waiting, watching (one eye open!!!)