
BooBun's picture

Vines from the forest

Hi there,

Long time player/lurker first time posting on here... I figured I'd post though because i took some funny vines playing the other night and thought i'd share :3


hope you enjoy. see you in the forest
Ailasti's picture


I am still having this issue and have not gotten a email back from reception...

Alright so every time I leave my account page (literally every time) to check out another bio to track, it logs me out then DOESN'T recognize my password.

This will be the fifth time this has occurred and it's really annoying that I have to keep
changing my password.

Is this normal? A glitch?

Anyone got this problem?

DOTD pelt and Candle Antlers?

So recently I've had my deer remodeled. Unfortunately, she lost the DOTD pelt along with it.

So I was wondering if anyone could cast DOTD pelt on my deer, as well as the candle antlers.

My picto is: http://www.tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?use...

And I'm currently wearing the zombie set. If you can help, I'd much appreciate it!
TheDustyStar18's picture

RP Anyone?

Hello all! I hope you are all doing oks. I have seen for a while that quie a few role play here. I've loved the idea for a while. But I guess I'm not sure how and a little bit nervous to see who would like to. I've RPed for years and have been on several web sites. (Please pardon any spelling issues on this. I'm on mobile..) I would also like to think I'm a good writer.. If anyone is interested please let me know. ::hugs to all::
tastygrahamcrackers's picture

Set Help

Edit: Oscar has his set! Thank you so much 0baf0 and special thanks to bromista for the offer. Smiling
I need some help to finish Oscar's set. I am looking for:

-Kabuki Mask
-Kabuki Pelt
-Real Deer Antlers

If anyone would like to help please let me know!
Crematorium's picture

So this just happened...

I am aware that this is apparently a common glitch and all, but I've NEVER seen it this bad before. xD I also came across 2 other completely different deer with my pictogram about 10 minutes later. PLUS, the mooing from other deer started to sound really distorted, and I eventually felt like I was playing a horror game.. It was scary.. Especially since its 12 at night.. xD

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How give to another deer skeleton pelt, DOTD mask etc?

I know I must have 1 gen picto and old game version but if this pictogram was used in a newest version?

Returning after 5 years away

So it's been sometime since I've played this game. All but forgot about it. I have a Deer I'd like to pick back up with...but I don't know the password to login in game. How to I recover that password? I'm completely lost... Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
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