The Forest For the Trees
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Chapter 2: In Which Seed Meets his Foe
Seed didn’t really like idea of fighting something. A beetle made of fire eating the trees, his swarm swelling out behind him like a cape… He liked the idea of fighting that even less.
”So,” He cleared his throat and asked,
”Where is he?”
”On the outer edge of the world” “The outer edge” “The edge” The trees rustled between them. Seed sighed and deadpanned. Ultimately, that was pretty vague – he wasn’t even sure if the Forest had an edge: it always seemed, to him, to loop back in on all its little private worlds, its secret folded self… But there didn’t seem to be an edge.
”…More specificaaallly?”
”Follow. We will guide you.”
The branches in the canopy rustled, raining green leaves down onto the ground. They fell around Seed like snow as he walked forward, each tree carrying a signal for the next one on the path to shake. It seemed a very long way from his home to where the beast prowled, and he went further into -- or out of -- the forest, until he was not sure he knew his way back.
Well, I suppose the way back is forward, he mused as he stared over the landscape, all newer growth here, all underbrush and gaps of bright light that was alien relative to the deeper woods where the deer dwelled.
Seed moved without worry through the underbrush, his legs and the brambles just passing through each-other, with the soft string sound of the forest’s magic.