
Wolf Cub of Light's picture

Mirror fun

Met a deer in the Forest, and we played Mirror for a while. ^^
...I'm pretty sure the stag didn't quite get what I was trying to start at first, but when it did lots of chaos ensued. I only have pictures of afterwards, seeing as how I was concentrating on not missing an action at the time.
Anyone know who this is?

Sad when you left
Lana's picture


The little one is me. I just want 2 say that deer with yellow horns: "U r my friend! Thnx 4 playing with me all the time!:)"
Lana's picture


Fledermaus's picture


UmmmmIlistentoStarstoomuch. C: And FledeyFace was lonely today. :C
Deer700's picture


I'm bored! XD
Kanaf's picture


his real account grew up 8D
Lana's picture

Some shot

Its....mmm...well u know Smiling
By the way its me behind the tree.
SaritaWolf's picture

It's in the Rain

Edited screenie from the rain on Friday. Picture title from an Enya song. Check my blog for many many more pics. Chances are, if you were in the forest Friday night, you're probably in my blog. There's THAT many pictures.
keepspeeps's picture

Best friends!

If anyone recognizes their picto, let me know.
Shulgalaj's picture

Lucia-holiday in the forest

At least in Finland and in Sweden, we have a holiday called Lucia after a female italian saint. The holiday is every Dec 13, and is celebrated this way; a long row of girls in white dresses with red ribbons on and candles in their hands walk around everywhere and sing. The one who walks first in the row has got a crown with candles in. She's called the Lucia.

The saint Lucia was a christian girl in Italy long ago, who gave her life for the christianity. People say she used to walk around and give people candles and sing for them, to make the world a lighter and happier place.

Since you can get red antlers with candles in and a white pelt in The Forest, we had some fun at 19.00 (Finnish time) Dec 13, dancing around and stuff... Here's a collage of pictures from that. Sry for the long text. ^^
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