I was trying to decide whether to post this as a blog, or under screenshots. I guess since it's mostly images, it'll go under screenshots. :> Anyway! Here are my adventures from today and the tail-end of yesterday. <3
First, the silly shots.
Lemon is a super-spy. |D
Smile! I recognize Seed, but not the other fawn. And who's that peacock-pelted deer? I've seen their picto several times, but only in passing. It's really easy to remember, because it looks like a sphinx with a long tail. ^^
Everybody CONGA! ;D
This was about 2 seconds before my game crashed out. xD
After all that, Lemon went and played around in the twin-God's statue, poking his head out of it and pretending to be part of the statue while the other deer bowed down to him. :>
That's when he met these two! I'm guessing they're Seth and Calanthe?
Seth and Lemon ran off and started goofing around, running in circles around trees until they fell over, laughing. Then they met up with Calanthe, again, and set off to play on the rocks (after a brief lesson in sit-hovering! xD )
"Hey, where'd the rest of you go?!"
"Ta-Da? Aren't we awesome?" :'DD
Anyway, that's all for today! <33
Lemon [LT]