
Skyker's picture

Dancing and Twinne's Twin!

As you can see, the twin's ear was conducting us.

And a tree fight for good measure. GIMME YOUR PINECONES DAMMIT D8<
Aivilo's picture

A New Look

Rire's got a new look now that he's back! Thanks to everybody who pitched in to make it. I haven't got a screenshot with all of you, but it was great fun. : ) Rire thinks he's rather dashing, now.
Skyker's picture

Photoshopping Fun

Just fooling with filters, and to this deer: HAI! *waves* Twinnie had fun with you Sticking out tongue

more photoshopping, which sounds like shopping for photos, but isn't.

I thought this was neat shot. I was trying to hop around and take a screenie at the same time, I ended up flying off to the left xD

Amary and new friends

Lots of dancing! Laughing out loud

BTW, who are all of you? I know Burrow, but I'd like to know who the others are. Especially the deer with the red pelt and skull mask, and the deer with the dark brown pelt and deer mask (I've met him before but haven't found out a name yet). I had a lot of fun with you guys!
(Amary is the doe with the antelope pelt and magpie mask)
Skyker's picture



Twinnie was able to have some time in the Forest today and met someone she had spotted on the website. She was ecstatic to see the somewhat familiar face. She wishes she had more time to romp around and keep company with this deer.

My version of the head anomaly, it was Twinnie in the other pic also, but while I'm here I may as well post it haha.

dayne's picture

Dance Time!

Infinite's very first line dance!

He thought it was really fun. 8D
dayne's picture

dance of the forgotton

Infinite dancing with the fishes!

He likes fish. Laughing out loud
dayne's picture

the fawn without a face

This is my fawn character, Infinite.

I made him back on May 30th, so he should become an adult on.. June 30th? /fail

Anyway, I decided to twist him up and remove his eyes. Just to make it weird. He enjoys wearing masks most of the time because he's afraid others will be afraid of his face. He's able to create a picture of the people he's talking to with scent, hearing, and taste. tasting and sniffing the air around the deer, he's able to somehow create a full-colored picture of what they look like. Hey, it's a fantasy deer game, so why not? 8D

I was borrred!
Skyker's picture

We can dance~

A dancing animation. Because I can!

~We can dance if we want to...

Also: Identify yourself other fawn 8D

Twinnie is on the left.

Kenzu Is Back!

(Kenzu's Set)

Guess what!?

Apparently, it was my laptop Hard Drive, NOT the internet!

After my laptop was restored (it crashed), TEF was working again.

Now, Kenzu is back and ready for some fun!
But he's nakey, can anyone be a 'dear' and retrieve his set please!?

xx Jayne
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