Currently there are 2 deer in a large pelt. Yes, joy, happiness, creators remembered us and decided to visit.
But they do it? Nobody thought about it. After checking the picts, I noticed that one of the reindeer has a different picto
(picto not God), but he changed his mask on yourself, and then completely dressed in an incomplete set of Mardi Gras. Picto second deer (in the mask of an owl) was unable to see, but it was clear that this is not the god of picto.
Everyone has seen a flying ball of light? My friend said me that the ball -
it is he. Fully he described it: she sat with God and wanted to go for another picto, but the game did not let her do this. Then she decided to turn off the game and play again. When she came for the necessary deer, after connecting to the network will see that the horns and mini pelt missing, but instead was a ball of light.