Yes, I can draw, lol XD But only once in a while, so don't get your hopes up.
I wanted to draw Silvery, because her look is pretty interesting. It was hard figuring out the colors of the Magpie coat so it became a mix of green/blue/purple/black/pink. Looks pretty nice <3
I had no experience drawing deer whatsoever, so I used a little reference, Blackhoof's pic of Echo and Clementine (hope you don't mind, but it was a good reference! ^^;)
Also, I gave my own interpretation to the Magpie antlers... but they look like Fan/Magpie combo now, lol o.o
Content? A bit, not my best coloring or ink job, so probably not a good first impression... And the scanner ruined it even more ._. But the black around her eye = <3