
noxen's picture


yeh thats my deeer i'll rename him from Noxen to Moki :E


I.. really like the BG 8D XDD
Ephra's picture


Really it is! Laughing out loud But I took a lot of liberties with the design..
Noekie's picture


Noekie is a fire master!


There you go Laughing out loud

Hammy :>

Perplexexexxxxxxx XD

Dragon Concept

Yup, sorry about the crappish quality, I just wanted it done already XD Well Michael, Aureia, tell me what you thinks! Laughing out loud And any one is more than welcome to comment or provide constructive critisism. Just don't say "UR ART SUCKS LOL" or "U FAIL AT LIFE LUL" or something dumb like that. XDDD Not that anyone would, just saying it wouldn't help. XD

SS and Noekie

A little gift for my friends Eye
Fenqua's picture


Yes, I can draw, lol XD But only once in a while, so don't get your hopes up.

I wanted to draw Silvery, because her look is pretty interesting. It was hard figuring out the colors of the Magpie coat so it became a mix of green/blue/purple/black/pink. Looks pretty nice <3

I had no experience drawing deer whatsoever, so I used a little reference, Blackhoof's pic of Echo and Clementine (hope you don't mind, but it was a good reference! ^^;)
Also, I gave my own interpretation to the Magpie antlers... but they look like Fan/Magpie combo now, lol o.o

Content? A bit, not my best coloring or ink job, so probably not a good first impression... And the scanner ruined it even more ._. But the black around her eye = <3
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