Um, hi there! I made these.. Sketches yesterday/today, and I felt like posting them even if they're bad and so ^^".. I think the.. darker parts the scanner created, don't look too bad. So I didn't clean these up ^^".. XD
The one above is Poltergeist. I think that, even though times have been better for her, something's still pretty messed up. Maybe she'll explain it once.. I did the same as I did with my last drawing of Wudiin. Screw anatomy and all, just draw. I think it gives.. Some nice effects.
Same with the next drawing: Fenkovan!
He popped up at school today. Same style again, only now I think his hind-body looks a bit off XD And what a big head! Even though I'm not supposed to care about anatomy with these ._. Also my pencil asked me to do some smooth shading instead of the messy stuff from the night before, teehee.
So um yeah. They're for fun, nothing more XD.. I like Polt's better sorry ._. BELLY *Pokes it*