well, didn't take me long to come up with a design for my fawn, havori. i was inspired by native american legends about thunder and storm gods, this website helped a lot. this is havori in her fawn phase, she hasnt quite grown to an adult yet. i'm excited to make a ref-page thing for her! though i suppose i would need to figure out coding, and, uh....well, i'll cross that bridge when i come to it, i guess. i know how to make pictures show up, and that's about it. anyway, stuff about her. havori is a spirit (maybe a godess? i dunno) of storms, music, adrenaline, that sort of thing. she has glowing icy eyes and she is moose calf-like in build. she has bristling lil crow feathers growing around her head and neck, i think it will grow into a headdress-like thing in the future? well...that's it for now!