
Edmund's picture

Moonsorro Surprise Pic

And the chosen deer is: HOLLOW! ^_^

Hope you like it dear....and I do apologize for how long it took. School is just so.....blah these days.
hiirenloukku's picture


Ippa grew up today! .D finally.

and thanks for these two for helping him get the antlers he wanted. :> although i'm still not sure if i'm gonna stick with these. :,D

and to the red pelted deer- i'm sorry i couldn't help you with the mask. i don't know why, but Ippa just couldn't cast a spell on you. O: does someone know why?
Tolvia's picture


I coloured Time while listening to 'The last night' by skillet :3 'cause they rock ma rainbowmuffinz socks.

ANYWHO. Time for explinationz. You get to read something cruddy, great, right? Uh, lil' warning 'cause it has a swear word in it.. This came from my DA. So ha. |3

"Such a waste..." I mumbled as I turned my head, looking at the sleeping does, stags and fawns around me. You may wonder 'What are those digits?' But they are much, much more then mere digits. They are the life span of the animal they hand above. The two deer beside me have long to live. However, a hoove in the wrong direction could cause their numbers to drop rapidly. "W-wha.." The little stag beside me mumbled, rubbed his eyes with his hooves and jumped up, clearly startled. "im.. a... .a.. DEER?! IM A DEER" He screams, rearing onto his hind legs. "No shit dumbass." A huge brute of a stag growled. I stood up, walking backwards until I was standing under the doe who also slept next to me. Now she was wide awake, cowering under me. "It is alright, Miss. I am not here to harm. Merely to calm the stag you see in distress." I said, gesturing to the teenaged deer, huddled against a tree. "Name?" I saw the stag shiver. "Acoustic."

<3 Enjoy.
Doe's picture

Fanart-a-thon week 7

Fanart-a-thon reaches week SEVEN, with some good/bad news. Shocked
This week, there will not be an new subject. This week, everyone needs to catch up on their missing artwork! I'll post a list here, and check back durring this week, to see who catches up on what. If you do your art, post a link here if you would kindly, and I'll clear the "missing ____"s from your name on the list. (:

Here's a list of people who are missing art, again, if there are mistakes, just give me a link to your picture, and I'll change it! (:

Bismuth - missing Redkora
Doe, wait... that's me! D: - Missing Redkora
Moonsorro - ALL CAUGHT UP, THANKS! (:
Sinker - Missing Bismuth and Redkora
Envy - Missing Bismuth
Lemon (Dissapointing... since you had your week) - Missing Blackhoof, Trees, Bismuth, and Redkora
Blackhoof - Missing Trees, Bismuth, and Redkora
Halogen - Missing Redkora
Luis - Missing Redkora
Nine - Missing Bismuth and Redkora
Columbus - Missing Bismuth and Redkora
Revtheyr - Missing Redkora
Beliar - Missing Redkora
Anaria - I appreciate you letting me know that your scanner is broken. I think I'm going to remove you from the fanart-a-thon this round, but give you priority in the next fanart-a-thon. Hopefully your scanner will be fixed by then. (:

EDIT: I always miss ONE PERSON on the list. XD Thanks for saying something Crim. (:
EDIT: Thanks for catching up Moonsorro! Envy, I got your redkora pic, but I don't have a bismuth piece for you. Shocked

PLEASE try and catch up this week everyone. It's really difficult and dissapointing to see some of you behind. :<


LighttheSky's picture

Fan-Art-aThon | Week 6: RedKora

I am fail. *lol* utterly so since I've been actually LATE on getting this one posted.

Believe it or not I had the sketch finished by day 2 of last week, but my laptop had other ideas. Things are working better again now so now it gets uploaded, but I seriously apologize for my delay! < T-T > So sorry Doe & Kora!Exclaim!

Pencil + photoshop... and no, i didn't scribblet his flowers... < T-T > I is sorreh.

Phee again <3

I love it to draw him! 8D You to Rainflower? XD
I hope I see him soon!! <3
PS - I draw him evverytime whitout mask becouse I can't draw that mask,Sorry =(
But I hope you like it! - Who want? Smiling

Trillian doodle conversation..

WELL. I'm in love with Trillian. Forever.
It trumps MSN like crazy kdfsfsf godownloadit.
ANYWHO. 22 images, total. They're waaaay more legible on a lighter background.
L and I had a handwriting conversation.. here's how it went:
Click "Read More"
dayne's picture

Brr, it's cold.

Antoinette sketches

Hairless deer get cold easily.

"Impossible! D:"

GASP! Someone with a more perfect "9" than I! I demand your picto! RAWR.
(Kidding, but seriously.. sdkjsdf k dowant LOL)

Random pretty thing.
Tuhka's picture


So let me introduce you my new un-official character Aton Nemesis. [no questions about the name. I picked it reallyreally randomly]
...I just created him so I know much anything about him myself yet, to tell you the truth. The character design might still change xD

This is only the beast form for now, I'll do a reference sheet for the normal/deer form later and add some more details to the beast ref.

Hum, where should I start.
This deer, Aton, is possessed by this demon called Nemesis most of the time, which makes him turn into a vicious, bloodthirsty beast that roams through the forest looking for prey and bringing misfortune to those who cross paths with him.
Nemesis doesn't roar very often but it often makes a sound that resembles a cat's purr, only it's a lot lower sound. Like growling maybe.
He's somewhat bigger than an average deer. Not GIGANTIC but big.
Yes, he's covered with black feathers. In case you can't tell from the picture. [crappy skillz]
I thought he would be able to grow himself a pair of wings when needed. I just need to go to bed now so no time to draw them.

As a normal deer being, Aton is quite ordinary: Polite and friendly but hates gathering attention, easily mistaken for being proud as he's really quiet and doesn't talk much and won't easily join people unless someone invites him.
His voice is quiet and soft, almost whispering. Not very talkative to people he doesn't know. A bit shy. <:D
I won't tell about his appearance yet. You'll see when I've finished the ref. x]

Oh, and I never want to paint his beast form again. Painting feathers is just.... gahhh. 8'DD
Now I have the feeling I've forgotten to tell you something but I can't remember it. Oh well, bed time.

OH YES! He doesn't have a picto yet. I must create an adorable little Nemesis fawn tomorrow, it shall run around murdering poor unfortunate sleeping deer and eating their guts like spaghetti.
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