
Doe's picture

Luis lightbringers badge

Luis' lightbringer badge!

Congratulations Luis~

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Check 'em out here!

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Waarhijd as a Wolf
XD I have draw her as a wolf only for this Smiling Its Funny XD

Its just like a dream, I can see Zombies! Or no, I don't dream! They are real! The first time in my life I can see Zombies O.O

Omg, I am so scared!
I see it everywhere where I look o.o They are so.. So.. Scary What is this!? D'8

This is Halloween Eye
Edmund's picture

For Okami90- Steele

I hope this is what you envisioned. ^_^
Twas hard drawing a grinning deer. But was fun none the less.

Lu's picture


I actually am quite fed up with this picture. Love Tussore, but this is just...ugh.
BUT- I put a lot of time into this. So I better do something with it.

To those who don't know, Tussore is Gorget's fawn. You know. The little guy who's leg was poking out from between her ribs. There's now a bit about them in my blog.
Rainflower's picture

Happy as a...Bear? o-o

I drew Phee as a bear, you like? =D
(Yes, I forgot the antlers.Sue me.)

(Based on this entry by BrownLupine.)
Rya's picture

Rya by Gwennafran

My friend Gwen drew this for me as a prize for her contest. I asked for my Deer and she did this absolutely wonderful drawing for me. I can't draw worth crud, so this is the best thing I've ever seen, not really a fawn, but not a full-sized deer, it's Rya!
Bayleen's picture


(Sorry that it's pretty big O.o) I figured out that our printer can scan stuff!Exclaim So I drew this of FleuraLune as a fawn a while back ^^

diggen your grave

just a doodle XP i guess she is digging a grave, looks evil lol

New Night

Been wanting to do this for some time now..this is the new night shade. XP
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