this was a test, they'll be more detailed when my tablet starts working and when I'm not so lazy.
I'll probably start doing full body ones next since I have the hang of it, if anyone wants one go ahead and ask, but as a warning they take time to do, so while I will finish them, it may not be tonight depending on how many I get.
requests made will be better than that ^ of course, it's just an example xD
ahaha a bit better Amsden hurrrrr still not detailed since I'm just usin him as an example |D;
I lied, it isn't fully complete, when I get my tablet, I'm gonna fluff up her tail and fix her feathers, bcause my program decided her feathers need to be grey in a few panels, and black in others, srsly wtf.
Consider this a placeholder Kiraki, as I have an awesome idea, but without my tablet, it's a lost cause, so have this simple one until I revive my tablet<3
for now, he just twitches an ear, and his candles burn and stuff, I wanted to do more but...
-closed until I get my bearings...-