
Halafax's picture

Family Protrait

All of my deer.
Seasons, Halafax, and the big guy who doesn't really have a permanent name but is called Birchtree for now.
dayne's picture

Just popping in

to say "Hello!"

Nah.. I'm not officially back. I wish I could be, but I just can't find anything to drag me back into the game.. maybe some day.

Though, just know, I do miss a lot of you : )

(If you ever want to talk to me, contact me on skype: sablekat )

new Oisín ref

Anatomy is crap, but meh...

-mask pattern
-added a braid (since he had one as a human)
-antler shape
-changed his markings a little
Chickenwhite's picture

Steampunk deersign - now in colour! -

*is shot for not knowing how to post under the cut and how to draw gasmasks XD;;*
Also, old drawing is old.

And now in colour! I still can't decide whether the brown base should've been black...
Graveyard's picture

"Who Can Remember" Graveyard

"Who Can remember a time when the living were always alive? And Who can put a name to the face that was once a blessed creature. You know who I am... don't you?"

Concept Artwork for Graveyard.
Lu's picture

Here, I'll shoot-

-you run.

Possible pic for Cameo's bio. Ionno, I have two little voices telling me I need to post my drawings more often.

Katara00176's picture

~Fanart 4 Rolland~

Estimating Rolland's time-in-TEF (age of his deer) i think that he almost looks like this.

What do you think? Needs something? Smiling

Maybe i will post more of this later Laughing out loud
Vsevolod's picture

hmmm yes

after a day of doodling my fawn
while playing...which was rather hard ]:
(yeah iscribble ftw.)
gone's picture


I completed my other drawing, this took a while but I'm really pleased with the outcome.
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