
tinkee's picture


Graveyard's picture

"We All Have Sinned..." Non-TEF

"Some More Than Others..."

Sithrim's picture


Unplugged's picture


Sorry. Sort of like a follow-up to the gift-art Ravynn did for me.
Done in Harmony, slightly touched up with Photoshop.
Kaoori's picture


One of my deer that I play infrequently. He's fairly new, but fairly clear in my head.
He's a young white-tailed deer, possibly a shaman, Native American connections.

I'm growing a love for the beluga pelt.

edit: lol at the upper right hand corner. Oops.

o°ooOo°oO° And to listen the silence Oo°oO°o°


shaku's picture

Dublin (design)

Dublin, the Leprechaun~
Design based off of a Parrotlet.

...Hopefully my last deer XD;; This boy fulfills my desire to sit/stand calmly with someone, which neither Vodun or Phylux are keen to do.
Bismuth's picture

the darkness

like the actual bismuth
who knows how long i'll stick around for and randomly show up again.
-luna-'s picture


did you say something?

What's that?
America is making a fool of herself by drawing humans again?

quick someone stop her!

human-y Vendetta durr person
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