November 6, 2008 - 12:38am — Anzel
(( note :: thoughts, not spoken words ))
A silken pleasure melts in my mouth. A plum, ever-so-sweet to my delights of the tongue, graces it and clashes down my mouth tube. The fog has lifted away from my eyes in this world, and I feel the cold, dewy simmer of the sun skies, and wonder what could have been.
For when you love someone truly that much, you never can know what will happen. I fell into a ditch and broke my legs and spine, and my tears are broken as they clash on the ground that is the sky above me in my trapped little hole.
This hole is my life, don't you know. Cold as the day is long, and favoring none but the lucky, I...cry...
Oh, I wish you could hear me. How I wish you knew how saintly you are towards me...a rainbow of light and colors rained down upon my colorblind heart. And at last I grasp with my teeth, this cloud, this pillow on which my head has rested upon for the silvers and the nights.
But you'll never know because I am cold to you...
Fur damp as dry as day...
My heart beats solely for you. I cry only for you. And I'd die only for you.
But 'til the end of my life or of your own life, I shall keep this secret. Poured into this magic genie bottle and never to come out.
But it is best that way, my love...I shall fall like the angels do. And I shall fall quickly and slowly...
And you shall see the flower grow when I am away...
That day...
So far ago away.
(( i wonder if anyone knows what her taint is as of has been clear to me for a long while now... ))
Wow... Lovely writing Anzel,
I envy your talent <3
What her taint is? Uhm.. I don't know.. I don't even know what a taint is, precisely ^^;
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
I think I kind-of made up
A tainted heart wouldn't be pure, a tainted puddle with a drop of blood in it...those are examples for the existing word. A taint is just...something about someone or something that is tainted, different, not the standard?
I can't really word my exact definition. :/
... ;_; You should know,
You should know, Taint... You should know, if you don't know already, that Plume loves you back in the way you love her. She has realised. She has told the stag she thought she loved that he can only be a dear friend to her.
I won't tell her of this, since that's what you wish. But... *sigh* Maybe someday you will tell her.
And I still don't know what your taint is, being the stupid thing I am. x3;
...That was beautiful...I
...And I still can't think of what her taint is x333;
-- Dannii <3
Sententia - Where Reality and Fantasy Merge
Don't look at it as a