Swallow Tail Fan "Art"

Anzel's picture
I took a photograph of a Tiger Swallowtail on a Coneflower yesterday...

Consider it, uhh...fan "art" of the deer Swallow Tail ^^;
Emiva's picture

Ooo! I didnt know

Ooo! I didnt know SwallowTail was... a butterfly!

I feel dumb -_-
Verdalas's picture

I would die for those

I would die for those photography skills. E_e
My TEF Fanfiction: Rubies in the Pond

Feed Me!
Anzel's picture

Swallow Tail is Blackhoof's

Swallow Tail is Blackhoof's deer, I just took a pic on a tiger swallowtail and decided to show it XD;


I lovelove Swallowtail's, they are soso beautiful! I can never find any in England, the only ones I can ever find are the Painted Lady and the Peacock!
Anzel's picture

I'll trade my Swallowtail

I'll trade my Swallowtail for your Peacock butterfly!!!

And...I dunno if Painted Lady butterflies do or don't live around here, hmm, I want a pic of one...

Oh, idea: Wouldn't a Tiger Swallowtail pelt be awesome? A pale yellow pelt with stripes...

I've always thought of Tiger Swallowtails and Monarch Butterflies to be the main two Butterflies :3
Blackhoof's picture

Gasp! I'm suprised you got

Gasp! I'm suprised you got so close
to such a fluttry little thing!
Swallow Tail turned into a butterfly!
Swallow Tail will probably never abuse another butterfly again....

never seen a butter fly like that before!

"Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down."
- Jimmy Durante
Anzel's picture

You haven't? o.o; Hmm...was

You haven't? o.o;

Hmm...was Swallow Tail named after a Black Swallowtail, maybe?

Or...maybe you didn't know it was a butterfly? o.o;
Blackhoof's picture

Aaah yes I have seen a Black

Aaah yes I have seen a Black SwallowTail before...
But never knew it was called that....I knew
it was tail something...Never would of guessed...
ooohhhh...and since Swallowtail has grown up I have
a knew idea for her coat!

Anzel has helped once again! Sticking out tongue

"Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down."
- Jimmy Durante
Anzel's picture

So where did your name for

So where did your name for her come from? Sticking out tongue
Blackhoof's picture

Hmmmmm..... Well


Well originally... There where two things
that came in mind when I was naming her...

1.) A bird called a Barn Swallow http://www.backyardbirdingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/swallow.jpg http://petcaretips.net/barn%20swallow.jpg

2.)and a Swallow Tailed humming bird http://farm1.static.flickr.com/157/361675618_3222b1269a_o.jpg

If I would have looked up more info
I would have known of such a pretty butterfly...
And not to metion her coat would look different which now it probably will...
