Such a cruel world

Such a strong and cruel world
But there is no other word that fits
I was deceived blinded by your words

I should have never tried to fix
What should have been left in the past
You just wanted to use me
To rebound from your past
At the very end you said this to me

I was honest trying to make things right
Then you ask these things of me
That I will never do
As you soon see that I would not budge
I refused to give in to your requests
You retaliate with hurtful words.

I'm am shocked
For you were not like this before
This wasn't the you I used to know

You screwed up in more ways than one
I deseve respect
And if you can't give me that
Then you don't deserve me
And you will regret it
For you just lost somthing you will never get back

I cried not over you but the way you treated me
I'm still sick
Shaking and nauseated
It's time to rid myself of you
Even if you call or next
I will give you no response
Your messages will be errased

Do honestly think I would waste my time on a creep like you
You were exposed for who you really are
And now I want nothing to do with you
I will move on from you to a happier place
And that journey has already begun
I don't want an apology
That is not what I desire

I desire a life that you are not apart of.
For my readers you might think that I'm being cruel
But if you only knew what he did
You would truly see why I feel this way
Trust your gut instinct it's always right
Coming from a writer who has now had experience in the cruel world of men.

I sincerely hope this isn't

I sincerely hope this isn't autobiographical.

Nonetheless - moving. ♥

Unfortunately Dannii it is

Unfortunately Dannii it is autobiographical.
{it happened yesterday.}

Thank you .

If you want to talk about it,

If you want to talk about it, you know I'm here, yeah? ♥

I would but I would rather do

I would but I would rather do it by email would that be ok?



ok I'll send a test one

ok I'll send a test one

edit test sent
quadraptor's picture

*hides man parts* I hope I

*hides man parts* I hope I don't ever become a man who would wrong one in such a way as this.

In any case, this is very powerful. Excellent and moving work!

Oh quad. I honestly don't

Oh quad.Smiling
I honestly don't think you would,you are more aware{and care} of what you say and do than this jerk was.

Thank you.