May 8, 2011 - 7:18pm — Silvasemper
Deer Name: Stormbringer
Gender: Female
Age: A year an a half
Avatar: Stormbringer is very fox like in apperance. her pelt is a deep auburn, with small white speckles on her back, reaching from the middle of her spine to her tail bone, and spreading out about a foot. She has jet black stocking that reach up to just above her ankle on all four legs, with her left fore leg having a small band of white just above her hoof. Her belly and neck are creamy to pale white and her snout is white tipped like her tail. The rim of her ear is raven black with a stark white inner ear, and she has a small bolt shaped birthmark on her right fore leg that reaches from the shoulder to the knee, and is black in color. Her eyes are a deep emerald green, but can change, and often look like the peacock grass of the forest. Her shoulder height is about two and a half feet, whith her neck and head making another half foot.
History: Storm has been an orphan since birth. She has never met her parents, and missed them greatly. She is not familar with most deer, and tends to avoid busy areas.
Personality: Storm is strong spirited, but shy and distrustful. Her favorite places is the pon and the great oak. She loves it when it rains, and she adores thunder, waiting all day to hear its sound, and know that the Twin Gods are watching. You can find her hidden in the peacock grass or inside the Great Oak or by the pool, practicing bowing to other dear, and other respectful stances. She often goes to the ruins with flowers, to lay them down on the graves.
Track! The mini doe beside
The mini doe beside you is my Atelia
Cool, thanks!
Je suis un chrétien fier
Anima Wolf
Spirtus tempestatis