The Springtime Septet

Widmung's picture
I enjoyed the second dance performance with Jeweleye and everyone. Fabi is our guest conductor now! Laughing out loud Sorry that I fell asleep, I was busy with my family.
Anyway, please enjoy these new colorful photographs! Smiling I'll see you all again in the Forest!

Thank you for these coloured

Thank you for these coloured screenshots, it's really beautiful ^^ And don't worry about falling asleep Smiling See you soon ^^
Pink's picture

It was a pleasure for me

It was a pleasure for me too!!!
I am allways so excited when I met some friends/deers in TEF which are willing to do some
funny/strange/what every things! so let us do it again Smiling
siggi by Sybilline

I love the colors on these

I love the colors on these screenshots! Thank you for posting them Smiling
It was really nice to dance with everyone again. And see you in the Forest!

signature by Atlas
forever sleepy

Widmung, I have heard so many

Widmung, I have heard so many good things about you, but I have never met you before. I think your character really reflects that very calmness and nobility, while having a gloomy appearance, but with light, warm energy - this brand of his presence cannot be confused with anything. It's always nice to see well-written characters. Bravo.

Thanks for the wonderful screenshots.
Widmung's picture

Thank you everyone!

Thank you everyone! Smiling Flaccitheus, I really appreciate your kind words and thoughts on my character.
Yes, I am considered a deer of old age with a strong pure soul. I will always try my best to be there to help any new player to have forest magic on them and to bring them laughter! Idea

Thank you Flaccitheus and it's a pleasure to meet you! Smiling I'll see you all again in the Forest!

Signature by Saater