Spotted Little Thunder - Shango

Zeehktplonz's picture

Age: 26 human years
Species: African Wild Dog / Ungulate
Subspecies (Ungulate): Nyala
Size: #9
Mutation: None
Sex: Male
Gender: Genderfluid (Agender-Male)
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic (Monoromantic)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual/Gynosexual (Polysexual)
Physical ailment: None
Mental ailment: None
Alliance: None

Positive traits:
Incredibly loyal to those they've bonded with
Protective of those close to them

Neutral traits:
Very stubborn and persistant
Gets attached to people very easily

Negative traits:
Extremely shy
Will run from anyone if under the slightest feeling of danger

Descendant of unknown
Mothered by unknown
Fathered by unknown
Sibling to unknown
Progenitor to none
Grandprogenitor to none
Ancestor of none

no friends wheeze

smol and spotted

smol and spotted

What a cutie!

What a cutie!
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hadoukin's picture

(No subject)


AAAAaa how cute is this

AAAAaa how cute is this critter. Track!
Kamaya's picture

~Tracking~ c:

~Tracking~ c:
Zeehktplonz's picture

wHEEZEs at the comments aAAA

wHEEZEs at the comments aAAA ;; <3
I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all, To live and breath on this terrestrial ball. What am I?