August 28, 2008 - 4:21pm — celticmystress
I have Mystresses set, (brown Pelt, Candle antlers, real deer mask) saved in its own folder, this morning (I had my other deer on) so I quit, and went to the folders to grab mystresses set, I opened the foler copied her set, and over wrote the one I had, when I logged on I was a regular deer with candle antlers....Wtf? Can someone help please!!
Did you empty your recycle
Sometimes it takes a while
Oh, by the way, can you send me your address again? I want to make sure I didnt put any typos in the last one or anything
OH. Crap I didn' do that
Emiva: I sent you my address on one of the replys to the same question. I think it was the Lightbringers?
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
On my computer it works even
celtic: Do you mean the "make tef more friendly" one?
Yeah I think so, one of my
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
Oh no, I think you mean the
Thats ok Proud Founder of
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
i think your spell data
Thanks Axie! Proud Founder
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
Your set should still be
Thanks Fleder your
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers