Seeing other people make humandeers made me want to jump on the bandwagon and humanize one of my deers too. The drawing itself is fail, but that was intentional. I think. Apparently, Bernie here is a band geek. He looks, thinks, acts like a munchkin but is really over nine thousand years old, or should be close to it anyway. He still lives with his mother, who insists upon dressing neatly each day. But being the sly fellow he is, Bernie manages to slap on some crazy face paint. He thinks he's the Dancing Queen.
Wow, That's pure win! 8D
LMAO!!! OMG! I love this!
sdjfkla -hugs him- He's
This is crazy awesome.
Hahahaha yes Wuff. So much
So much win here.
hahahaa very funny! XDDD
Ohshi- he's awesomely cute!
I see no fail here. D: