
Weriii's picture
Bear? Lion? whatever... : D

I'm look like Zoya! yeeey : D I love these striped pelt!

New hat, nice?



When Sparrow was under the bridge I shoot some screens...
(I can't take close-up for Zoya and Sparrow Sad)


"Road" to Idol is so beauty Laughing out loud Sparrow love water Laughing out loud

ok... hmmm... bye Sticking out tongue
Draak's picture

Can you please not screenie

Can you please not screenie dump on the pictures page?

DraakxMitra C:
Spyrre's picture

The first picture made me

The first picture made me laugh, you captured such funny expression on the fawn. If I´m not mistaken, that bear-like mask is actually antilope-mask. =) And hey, seems my deer isn´t the only one who think its amusing to wear that flower as a hat. =D

oh my, thank you for the

oh my, thank you for the nice close-up Smiling
Stark's picture

That's a nice shot of

That's a nice shot of verycrazygirl's Virgil there, he's the brown yellow stripy one Sticking out tongue