Sorting through deers lul.

fayne's picture
+ Tuna
+ Aeros
X Lolly (Never used him. -shrug-)
+ Pan
X Loop (She doesn't have much use anymore. There may be some picto recycling here, though.)

Ho hum.
+ = keep
X = discard
- = not sure

[edit] Loop's picto is too cool to ditch and I have a new concept, so. c: There may be a new deer. I sound horrible, making and discarding so rapidly, don't I?
squeegie's picture

It's your decision, luv.

It's your decision, luv.

Though, I love all your deer! <3

fayne's picture

-thumbsup- They're all hard

They're all hard to keep track of though. XD It's difficult.
Laruna's picture

Aw, not Loop... edit: That

Aw, not Loop...

edit: That was probably really random... but I like your character Loop. :3
fayne's picture

lololol. c: There'll be more

lololol. c: There'll be more of her picto, at least.

:C - - - The Gentleman The

Lyeekha's picture

D: Awbutbutbut... Loop was

D: Awbutbutbut... Loop was such a good frieeeend for LiëkaQOD!
But, yeah. Your desicion! Laughing out loud
Liëkahuman, Lightbringer
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