Sorry I Left So Fast

Redkora's picture
I have to go to bed. Sad

I had fun, and thank you so much for getting me a set to wear!

Also, I enjoyed the fawns who joined us. Laughing out loud
Moss's picture

Ohno, my picto's all

Ohno, my picto's all wrong!

You're welcome~ *runs around helmetless*

Nine(9) is my main deer.
ToxicCreed's picture

I just realized I must have

I just realized I must have ran past Nine like several times when I was on Ghost/Maliran xD;;;;;;; I didn't recognize him without his helm/Mask >.>

~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
Rainflower's picture

I was one of those fawns

I was one of those fawns X3
"The cruelest prison is one we build for ourselves out of fear and regret."
"The cruelest prison is one we make for ourselves out of fear and regret."