Woot! Woot! Im finally a doe!
Except......I haven't found the right pelt and antlers and stuff yet lol. Im probably going to cast spells like crazy until I get the real deer mask and pelt, and then the doe antlers
Anyway, if you see me, CAST A SPELL!
except if Im already wearing the mask, pelt, or antlers like I said, dont please.
But yeah, I've been popping into the forest, getting something on my deer, then leaving. Trying to backup my spell data lol. I think I've got that down, so I will basically be casting spells like crazy. Anyway, I will be on the forest mostly later tonight, maybe a little bit soon. I'm not going to plan any meetings or spell casting sessions though. Anyway, if you see me and I leave suddenly, it's probably because I'm checking out the spelldata and stuff.
EDIT: yay! been spell casting, and I finally got my set. So now i have the real deer mask and pelt and then the weird small spiky antlers.
-Sorrel, the DOE WOOT WOOT
I'll help! Forest here I
So do you want me to help?
I like to take screenshots of all of my favorite moments in the forest. If you are in any of them I would love to know!
Lol that's okay, Im not in
Getting on later tonight though, so if you see me say HI!!!!
Well I have to get off
I like to take screenshots of all of my favorite moments in the forest. If you are in any of them I would love to know!
Aha, I knew it. I saw you
Congratulations! =]
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo
Congratulations Sorrel! Gr
Snowrift's Updates
awww me and Atiq missed you
I haven't gone insane......I've gone awesome.
Congrats, my little Celery.
Tata for now, fellow veggie member. *slaps knee*
Im not a veggie... im bacon!
Snowrift's Updates
Lol celery shall rule the
*is going in the forest soon now*
I don't know you but still,
But I just hve one quick question. What's spell data? xD I'm kind of new on TEF, I know what spells are, and how to cast em' and stuff, but what is "spelldata", and how do you check your own?? (:
Nala, the kind and oh so playful little butterfly doe.
Thanks! I hated being a
well, spelldata is the part of the data that saves what spells your deer is wearing. It can be found in Computer, Program Files, Endless-Forest/Tale-ofTales(its different on certian computers), Userdata. The spell data is in Userdata. anyway, you can copy and paste the spelldata and keep it in a folder in, say, documents so that when you fall in the pond or lose your set, you can just replace the new spelldata with the one you saved earlier(with your preferred spells on it) and then it's like you never fell in the pond/whatever.
Im sure someone else could explain it better, as I have Vista and have never really gotten spelldata to work. Here's a guide SarieBearie wrote:
Heya bebe, meya saw ya ^^
Yush I remember that, I was
no idea why......
Im sad to say this... but i
Isis' Bio
Snowrift's Updates
Lol you suck! Meanie
Awwww.......that sucks! Do you still go on the forums though?