Something in the air.

BrokkenSaint's picture

The morning air was still, like before a storm. A section of the pond bank was unnaturally quiet,
no frogs hopped,
nor did a breeze slither though the stunted cats tails. Even the water in this section was like
polished glass, it didn't lap at the bank as it usually did.

A loud crack, like thunder broke the stillness. Small at first, but growing bigger was a hot
white light. In a matter of seconds it grew from a pinpoint to a mini sun, without all the
heat. There was a vibration in the air, like a hum if one listened hard enough. A limp
form slipped from the large ball of light, it was a mere silhouette.

>More Under Cut<

Just as sudden as the light appeared, it was gone. The only proof it was ever there was
the motionless humanoid that lay on its back in the dark mud of the bank, the pond was
one more moving. Lapping at it's black hooves, as if trying to drag the creature into it's

Her breast moved in shallow breaths, how she could breath as a spirit was unknown.
Perhaps old habits just died hard. She had changed. Her once shiny white mask was
cracked, just above the left eye; it's colors were faded as if in the sun for many years.
The silver that had striped her hair was now at the tips. As if it had ran like wet ink to
the ends. It, the hair, was shorter now.

Birds cried out, perhaps terrified by her sudden appearance. Time ticked by, the
morning sun moved to the middle of the sky, signaling the coming of noon. She was
still, save for the breathing. She was alone. None of the forest residents came near
the pond to play or drink, was something preventing them? It was unknown.

The sun began to grown lower, dusk was closing in. She finally opened her eyes.
They were the familiar silver, lacking any sort of pupil. Framed by white eyelashes.
Her face twisted in some sort of emotion, the creature was unsure of what she felt.

She sat up, moving slowly. Her white ears perked up, listening for anything. She
pulled herself into the pond, blankly cleaning the mud off her skin and from her
hair. The water around her became a cloudy brown. Standing up, she didn't feel
the chill of the Autumn air over her white skin.

As if a zombie, she walked from the water. She walked across the grass, water
dripped from her wet body. She just walked, moving slowly up the hill of the gods.
There was still not a soul around, except the few crows and ravens. The creature
made no sound of effort as she neared the top of the hill.

At the top lay a deer, fast asleep or maybe faking it. The creature know this deer.
She moved toward it, until she stood over it. She sunk to her knees and stayed
there, patently waiting for her friend to wake up.

Koysta was home.
-I wanted to make a story to go along with my latest screen shot, so I did. Anything thing I could work on with it?-