Snooze Party

Just a very silly and quick sketch of the deer I have been hanging out with almost daily for months now, ever since I made this account. Tabbing in amidst work, and seeing a pile of deer around Fjara always warms my heart Laughing out loud As always, thank you all for always keeping me company and see you in the forest again.

someday I will make an actually good drawing of this I promise, but for now a sketch will do Smiling
I've originally intended to add more deer but their in-game sets keep changing..and I've lost all screenshots due to a windows reinstall rip. <_<
Pink's picture

Hey klownda, I saw your

Hey klownda,

I saw your little group yesterday, looks very warm and cosy. I try to make Cu sit down and rest
a bit, but he wasn´t very please to do so Eye

its a very nice drawing, I will be curious how it looks as a finishe one. I really like the poses and the colours!
siggi by Sybilline

Very cute art style and sweet

Very cute art style and sweet group! ^^
Can't wait to see the full art.
Hum's picture

Gorgeous work!

Gorgeous work!

It's a lovely artwork ^^ I

It's a lovely artwork ^^ I like the colours and the texture, I'm very curious to see the final version <3

@Pink hello again! If Cu is

@Pink hello again! Laughing out loud
If Cu is not up for a snooze party, maybe it's time for a dance and hopping around party then! I've sadly missed him the last time he was online, but hope to see you in The Forest again soon!

And thank you kindly! I can't wait to work on it more and hopefully add more deer when I find and screenshot their sets hehe <3

@Hautakumpu Thank you sm Leafy <33 it is a very sweet group Laughing out loud

@Hum Thank you kindly as well <3

@Fabi Thank you very much! Glad you like the colors, and trying out a new textured brush for sketching... it's pretty fun ^^

forever sleepy

Starling's picture

This is such a lovely piece!!

This is such a lovely piece!! Adore your work, as always. <3

Thank you!! So happy that you

Thank you!! So happy that you like it <3:D

forever sleepy

Widmung's picture

Beautiful artwork! Thank you

Beautiful artwork! Thank you for posting! Smiling I am so glad to be a part of your world in The Endless Forest!

Signature by Saater

Really beautiful work, I love

Really beautiful work, I love the texture and style. Thank you for sharing.

@Widmung Of course! It

@Widmung Of course! It wouldn't be The Forest I know without you in there Eye Thank you very much!!
Haven't been on for too long lately, but it's was still super nice to sit in the pond other day, even if for a little while. <3

@Felise thank you for commenting! Really glad you enjoy the style, and texture Laughing out loud scratchy/jittery brushes are so much fun to use.

forever sleepy