Sluggs? :o

I just saw Him casting pelt spells to a mini SS O.O O.O *DIES*
Tabithaaa's picture

You jammy devil! Haha,

You jammy devil!

Haha, thanks for casting stuffs on me <3. It seems they don't include any of the most recent pelts though...
Anzel's picture

That's because Sluggs has an

That's because Sluggs has an older version of TEF :3

*wishes she could get one of those mini-deer pelt spells* ^^; Ah well.
Seele's picture


Seele looks AWESOMELY CUTE as a mini with his normal pelt!! I hope Sluggs read this but: THANKS A THOUSAND TIMES XD Even if it was temporary, right? I still loved being that cute and huggable XD...

--Stays a lonely Seele
SS's picture

Wieso immer "SS" mit da bei

Wieso immer "SS" mit da bei ?? "WITCHER"!!! -.-