Welcome, again to the sketches
you never see. Many are incomplete sketches, and unfinished.
I've done this post before, but now I'm starting off with a clean slate
of sketches for now. So once again, stare your brains
out and grab a bag of chips and just look.
Ah, my most favorite of all toys when I was little
was the Pound Puppies. I loved Pound Puppies
and in a way still wish I had my old one.
It was brown and had black ears and I lost
it in a toy store.
Now all I have is an old pound puppies cat that was his sister.
Anyway, heres that lost pound puppie toy in this picture.
I got the name mixed up....
They kind of scare me now...eh.
Bring back memories....creepy.
Yeah...uncompleted sketch working on today...
It's a Mule deer...pretty bland right now....I draw
on the back of anything...:}
@_@ Thats an awesome
I understand it slightly, but I also -dont- understand it slightly..XD
..I think I understand the mask part, but I dont..XD
-- Dannii <3
I wouldn't blame you...Many
I've asked have different oppinions on it.
Some people thought the male deer A.K.A Blackhoof
was dieing or something.
Others thought that the hands wanted to eat away
the bad and make a new. When really when it all comes down
to it it's the hands that are the bad ones but are missunderstood in
some way. As well as the Stag A.K.A Blackhoof. Really the pic narrows
down to very harsh reasoning and sorrow.
I actually had more to say but I want other people to guess,
that's if they want.
I think i get it... like the
Snowrift's Updates
Your getting warmer!
Wow. Hands. I wish I could
I think my hand would probably be that clenched fist.
My TEF Fanfiction: Rubies in the Pond
Feed Me!
Nope...Yours is the one
the black nails.
Demon Paw!!
Really? O_O Wow. I wish my
Wow. I wish my nails were that long. xD
My TEF Fanfiction: Rubies in the Pond
Feed Me!
That is a SUPER COOL
Ooh, wonderful job with the
A) don't you dare take it
B) I don't really know whats going on with SS...or even what or who it is, so I doubt my hand would be included lol
Thank you!
Aww....I love the second
And I agree with you on the SS thing. Little late but eh XD I have no idea what the pic means though. Im not good at the whole abstract thing.
Cant wait to see more ^^
Oh and I asked if I could color the Fulu pic an you never answered...I went ahead and dabbled with it though >_< But I wont post the results unless you want me to! Im pretty happy with it though ^^
Holy crap!! I never knew.
Holy crap!! I never knew. As I'm like
tons of days behind! I wish I could've made
the pic look better. Oh well.
You can go ahead and finish the dappleing Darcy. Sorry
if I was days late!
Psh, wasn't that late XD Im
(No subject)
Gasp! Emiva! I wuv that
Well just to be curious what is your favorite song.
I'm too curious right now.
Gah, Pretty Woman is so
I'm diggin' that decapitated deer's expression. He's like "wtf my head!?!?"
Yeah, he dous have quit the
look on his face?
Favorite song: EPIPHANY.
And... I feeel you, Johanna, *loves*
Oh man, my roommate ad I
"And one day,
I'll peel you!
'Til I'm with you then,
I'm with you there...
sweetly eating your yellow flesh!
XD *dies* ~ EMIVA'S