___Name_____._ - Silun
___Picto______._ - Here
___Gender_____ - Male
___Age_______._ - Very old
___Species]___._ - TEF Deer
___Talks_______ - #888888
The picto is glitched so in the Forest you won't see the larger of the two circles. | |
__Used set
_____ - Magpie pelt
_____ - Real deer antlers
_____ - No mask
____Silun's age quite affects his visage. His pelt faded to gray long time ago. Another mark on his beauty is that he also molts on several spots.
____Unlike other deer, he does not shed his antlers thus they slowly grew to this majestic size.
____Silun intently refuse to wear any mask for his own reasons so everyone can see his mostly gloomy face with yellowish eyes. | |
__Silun has developed some habits throughout his life and still tries to keep them. They might seem odd but all of them have a certain reason.
__For example, he will never enter the water and will drink only from the bank. Also He has never been seen on the hill at the Twins Statue, he prays to the gods quite often in the Ruins though.
__His age affects a lot of his actions as well. Silun does not run or jump around. First, it tires him quickly, second, he feels it is not suitable for his age anymore.
__The same holds for fighting and sparring. He has no need to spar and not just anything can upset his calm mind to become aggressive. | |
And thus, Pretzil claim the
The end...
Mmm, lovely. The coding on
pretzil: The end in the first
ocean: Thank you. I wish I knew more about coding.
Really beautiful writing and
Update: Added some general
Update: More added
Oh wow, the coding on this
Looks awesome *_*
Thank you.
This is beautiful. All of it
The position of the sun always had absurd effects in my emotions, which is why I can totally understand the relations you stablished between the parts of his life. For example, dawn always makes me feel deadly nostalgic and like I've forgotten what I'm really doing here, and that I have a long day in front of me, of joy or misfortune, that will eventually finish.
I don't know why did I spam all the information above, but this is probably the best biography of the most realistic character I've ever seen and I'm totally tracking it. The first picture is enough to allow one to say how he feels about his life and future.
I thought I should mention the last song, under the sunset, was removed by its author from YouTube...
Oh, thank you. I always
I always boggle at seeing a new comments on my bios. It is so... unusual... almost rare...
I don't know why you did write all that things but surly it is no spam. It is nice to hear that you like it all. It took me ages and many tries to make his bio but once I got the idea of the parts of the day, I finally managed to put it all together.
And also many thanks for the information about the song. Fortunately the song is already reposted there and even in better quality so I fixed this immediately.
I absolutely love the CSS on
And I love this character, too. He reminds me of my stag Emdeaur, who also lost his love. -sad-
But I will look out for him in the forest sometime! I can't believe I haven't seen this bio before. It's lovely.
~Track. ^^
Thank you very much. Now I am
Now I am even sorry for saying, but this is actually no CSS coding. It is all done with simple tags.
And if you would like to find him in the Forest, I would only be glad. (but don't expect him to be a funny companion.
(haha.. for explanation: Mr.
Mr. GrumpySkull is not that fond of anything that has ot do with praying in the broadest sense... |D
He is a cow at times.)
(I know, but... I wasn't
I wish I saw this sooner, I
Thank you! I believe there is
I believe there is no need to apologize. I'm glad you like it and hope to see you in the Forest once again.
I requested Silun for you
Thanks for requesting my deer before as well, that really meant a lot to me.<3
Thank you for that request.
"When I sit at these Ruins, I
You don't have to respond, I just wanted to say something since my deer was sleeping for most of their visit haha. Happy one-year TEF anniversary, by the way. =)
"Shall I speak the truth,"
"Sometimes, I wonder why."
Thank you, I gladly respond. I don't know very well what to answer though.
This is such a lovely
I don't want night for Silun. Such a creature shouldn't leave the forest. ;-;
There is always dawn after
(thanks for your kind words, honestly, I still don't know what will happen than)
Its been a long time but i
I was sure I saw your picto
ya, i realized this earlier,
Well, one more reason for me
He is such a handsome old
Thank you. It was truly
Ah ....Its you , discoverd
♥ ♥
Reading his story has
He was good company in the old oak
And Silun was glad that the
Tmava lan s pronikavyma
(celkem nezvyk ta cestina
"Prosim?" Jako vzdy byl zahlouban do svych myslenek, ktere se mu posledni dobou zacinaly plest jedna pres druhou, takze si opravdu nevsiml, ze se k nemu nekdo blizi. Ponekud zmatene se tak podival, kdo ze ho to vlastne prisel navstivit. Fakt, ze pred nim stoji tak mlada lan jej ponekud zarazila, takove navstevy opravdu nemiva prilis casto.
"Zajiste, ze nerusite." odvetil a veren svym pravidlum slusneho chovani ji vysekl hlubokou poklonu, hlavou az k zemi, aniz si pritom uvedomoval, ze jeho mohutne parohy proletly jen kousek pred jejim oblicejem. "Zdravim Vas." usmal se na ni vlidne. Presto mel uvnitr stale takovy divny pocit, ze na neco zapomel. Na neco duleziteho.
// Ze jo, mluvit cesky mezi
Quadda sebou jen zlehka cukla, aby se jí jedny z ostrych vycnelku nezasekli tvá? (ba hur - o oci). Vtahla do sebe vzduch a ven vyslo jen jakesi: 'Hiuuuh'. "Davej pozor, malem jsi mi vypichl oci!" piskla na nej, kdyz zvedl zase hlavu. "Jeste je budu potrebovat." dodala uz mnohem klidneji. Pak se odmlcela. Stala proti nemu nekolik sekund, ktere by jednomu pripadali jako dlouhe nesnesitelne hodiny. Zkoumala ho pronikavym pohledem. Zdalo se, ze si cte na jeho tele jako na knize, do oci nemela velkou odvahu se podivat z respektu. Nakonec se jemne pouklonila, ale jen tak do poloviny. Jednu nohu natahla, zlehka pokynula hlavou a zase se narovnala. Teprve pak se k nemu rozesla a udelala si kolem nej kolecko.
"Na tobe se vek podepsal uz hodne..." dobirala si jej. Zjevne ji nevidela v slusnosti duvod vykat. Nikdo ji to neucil. "Nejlepsi dny mas uz za sebou, jak koukam. Ale ta srst vypada hrozne. Napadlo te lehnout si nekdy do Pond? Ta voda tam omlazuje, leci a ja nevim, co vsechno. Podivej, i me pomohla." Otocila se k nemu zadi, a pokynula na osklivy sram od rohu. Driv musel byt velmi hluboky, silne krvacet a zajiste krvacet. Po tele mela i dalsi podobne sramy, ze vsech stran a na kazde casti tela alespon jednu malinkou krvavou skvrnu. Pak se otocila zpatky celem a ztichla.
Na jeji vyjeknuti reagoval
Takze ona prisla se mu vysmivat, to uz mu davalo vetsi smysl. Rozhodne nebyla prvni a dost mozna nebude ani posledni, vlasnte uz byl na takove zpusoby zvykly. "Ani ne tak vek, jako zivot." zatim nerekla nic, co by jej mohlo nejak urazit a navic mela docela dost pravdu, tak se rozhodl ji spise jen tak odbyt. "Zato na tobe se hned tak nepodepise, to spise ty na nem.", podotkl pote, co si prohledl jeji cerstva i starsi zraneni.
Sand to bylo jeji ponekud hrubsi chovani, co mu pripomelo i par dalsich obyvatel tohoto lesa, ale konecne si vzpomel, na co predtim zapomel: "Silun. Tot jest me jmeno." A opet se hluboce uklonil, ohrozujic tak Quaddin oblicej. Kdo vi, jestli to bylo omylem, nebo uz umyslne.
Parozi tentokrat svuj cil
Souhlasne pokyvl hlavou:
"A kdopak to je?" ptala se
Tak k vypraveni ho opravdu
"Nekteri o nem rikaji, ze je to pry monstrum a ze je proklety. To jsou ale jen prehnane povidacky na straseni mlaych kolouchu. I kdyz verim, ze urcite nese trest od bohu za sve ciny." Trochu si oddychl, musel si nejprve trochu zvyknout na dychani v leze. "A desivy to on take vlastne je, jen hola kostra v otrhanych carech a sipavy arogantni hlas. Coz na druhou stranu neni zase nic tak strasneho, kdyz to porovnam s tim, co vsechno jsem tu jiz potkal"
(trochu se mi zahriva pocitac, tak mi jde vsechno pomaleji)
// HAHA. Quadda jej
Quadda jej poslouchala. Kazde slovo si v duchu jeste nekolikrat zopakovala a pak si je poskladala do vety. Zjevne chtela pochopit kazdy vyznam, vcetne tech skrytych. "Ja myslela, ze babicka je samozrozena z hlavnich bohu a ze bratra nema," mumlala si Quadda spise jen tak pro sebe, castecne dost nahlas, aby ji slysel. "A proc na nej cekas? Neni to nikdo hodny a urcite se s nim neda dobre povidat. A pohled na nej taky nebude prijemny. Kostra... brrr..." Quadda se lehce otrasla a predni nohy natahla pred sebe.
"Hlavnich bohu?" zeptal se, i
A proc ceka, no byl to asi jediny obyvatel tohoto lesa, se kterym si ted chtel vazne promluvit, ale to by byl dlouhy pribeh, jeste delsi, nez kdo to vubec je. "Hodny, no podle vetsiny spolecenskuch meritek nejspise ne, ale povidat se s nim da. Tedy za predpokladu, ze s tebou vubec hodla hovorit." Trochu se uslkibl, kdyz si uvedomil, jak morbidni toto tema muze byt, ale presto pokracoval: "Divat se na nej nemusis, stejne tak ani on by se nedival na tebe. Nejspise by te ani nevidel. Vidi jen to, co videt chce."
"A co kdyz se s tebou nechce
"Jsou veci, kterym se urcite
Na to jsem se ho opravdu nikdy neptal, i kdyz by o tom mohl zajiste dost vypravet. S mlhou vzdy prichazi a s mlhou tez odchazi, zvlastni vec. Ale popravde ho spise chci pozadat o jistou sluzbu.
Podival se na ni a zaujate zkoumal jeji tvar. "Neni divu, ze te nikdo nepovazuje za zabavnou. Za celou dobu, co tu jsi, si nedokazi vybavit, ze bych te videl byt jedenkrat se jen pousmat. Jinak jestli on byl drive nudny, to nevim, ale od te doby, co pro tu svou vasen i zabil, tak uz totalne propadl svemu prokleti. Neni ani tak obavany, jako spise nenavideny."
"Kdybych si odmyslela kostru
Silun si mirne protahl krk,
Poznamka o tom, kdo koho vlastne bavi, ho privedla k ponekud podezirave myslence. Chvili ji jen tak premital v hlave, nakonec se ale rozhodl a vyslovil ji nahlas: "Jsi-li to ty, kdo hleda zabavu, co te privedlo az ke me? Nebo jsem to snad ja, kdo se snazi pobavit tebe?"
"Myslim, ze tvuj pach a
Unavene se usmal: "Ach ano,
Pak ce ale zachmuril a smutne dodal: "Zivot je bud hledani, nebo jen pouhe cekani." Mozna, ze kdyby jej Quadda znala, vedela by uz, ze cas od casu miva tokoveto tendence pronaset zdanlive smysluplne filosoficke uvahy.