It started with just Oura and Flyleaf. Thanks for joining in! <3
Tried desperately to get Flyleaf to get his set on his mini but he didn't understand xD. Can you find all the minis in this pic? 8D
In which we are bored and have a staring contest. Oura won
I also tried very hard to teach him to airsit. He succeeded in airsitting twice but didn't understand the standing up part. I was trying to get you to set a hotkey to "Listen" or "Dance" and when you sit, press one of those and you can stand and do whatever
Hi-ho Flyleaf!
Not too fast! O_o;;;
This is a little old but I had to show it. Whynd meant to give the spell to Flyleaf but it hit the fawn instead. Sooooooooo cute!!!
Hey , i posted also
About airsitting ; How make a hotkey for Listen or dance
And about giving me my pelt in mini form ; What was i supposed to do
Gorgeous pictures , i laughed my pants wet
to make a hotkey put your
To get a pelt on a mini, be a mini (duhurr), go to De Drinkplaats and become a big deer again, go to the Twin Gods, open up your set changer, click on the frog, and just before you turn into a mini, click the worship pic It takes a little practice so you may have to do it several times.
hey ermmm how the heck do you